Monday, February 25, 2013

Market Research

Hey there, folks! 

I've been hard at work the past few weeks taking on a huge new endeavour! You see, as much as I love being a free agent (see: not at all) I have been gently nudged by the majority of my awesome friends into the idea of starting my own marketing company. Yeah I'm a bit of a risk taker! :)

The advantage of this is there is a program that happens 'round here every year in which all new "small business ventures" can have an opportunity to hit up Uncle Dalton for some extra employment insurance for 42 weeks if you do this fancy little program called OSEB. And since I like all things fancy and fabulous, I decided to try and get in. Nobody told me* the application process would be so. freaking. hard! 

(*yes they did)

Part of the application process, BEFORE you even get to the interview portion, is to do some fancy pants market research. This means going out and getting information about target demographics and geographic locations and expenditures and all that boring stuff. So, in order to help the process along I've created this fancy pants online survey. And guess what?! You can take it**! Right now. Go. Seriously. Do it!

(*if you're a small or medium sized business owner, or you're a major decision maker within your company!) 

So how do you take the survey? Well that's easy! 

Step 2: Fill out all of the answers

Step 3: Eat a cookie

See? Easy as that! Thanks a bunch! You're my favourite!

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