Monday, May 20, 2013

What I Learned from #AutoBootCamp

I spent the better part of last week at #autobootcamp in Philadelphia, networking and doing workshops focusing on digital technology in the automotive industry.

I met quite a few great people, and got up close and personal with some great new technologies for advertising, marketing and creating content on social media. One of the best things I learned was that I'm not so far behind the curve. That's a pretty good feeling!

I've only been involved in the digital marketing field in the automotive industry for a few months, but I'm already loving it! There's never a dull moment, that's for sure! Automotive dealerships and manufacturers are always finding new, great ways to participate in new fields of marketing. Although many are afraid to take the leap into the digital realm, many are also leading the stride when it comes to advertising, google adwords, facebook marketing, twitter marketing and advertising and much much more.

One of the key things I learned at this event is how important video marketing is to a successful busines. From Video Blogs to Video Pre-Roll, if your business isn't harnessing this technology it's already falling short of what customers expect.

Integrating video into your weekly marketing activities, to paraphrase Brian Pasch (@automotiveseo) is "showing them your give a shit meter". When it comes to marketing, not just for automotive, but for every industry, creating short videos that customers can easily access via YouTube, Mobile, Facebook, etc. is hitting them "where they live" and essentially coming to them with your marketing message.

People are much more inclined these days to open a link to a video than read a 600 character email. They want the information and they want it FAST!

Regardless of your "sales funnel", most consumers make their purchase decisions, especially the big ones, when they've either been recommended toward a certain company via word of mouth (ex. asking on facebook) OR when they feel that a company will go that extra mile to ensure they are happy.

It also works the opposite way, you as a company may be crossed off of someone's buying list forever if you make the wrong move. Didn't answer an email? Gone. Didn't address a negative review? SEE YA! Didn't follow up with correct pricing info? Au Revoir, Amigo! 

Ultimately the key thing to remember is be on top of your digital marketing.  Use your Facebook page to communicate with your consumers. Don't talk AT them, talk WITH them. Respond to messages and questions people post on your wall or send you directly. Look for people chatting about you in the twitter sphere. Be responsive, cordial and most importantly, try to meet your consumers expectations, or more importantly, surpass them!

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