Monday, September 9, 2013

Drunk Driver Video: My Gut Reaction

About twelve and a half minutes ago I saw a post go viral...   in my mind. Then, I checked it out online and saw it has (slightly, in the lightspeed pace we go today) already gone there. Over 1 million views of a video, uploaded just a few days ago.

I just saw this video.

In this video, Matthew, a relatively young guy, mid-to-late twenties, confesses to drunk driving... a choice which resulted in the death of another person. Never being found out or charged, Matthew -- who has essentially gotten away scott free from a vehicular manslaughter charge at best, is now confessing out of nowhere about the death.

The video begins with him sheathed in a pixellated likeness, talking through a voice modifier, as though on a reality television program. Just as he confesses his terrible mistake (this is after, of course, he's talked about his alcohol problem and its affects on his life) the disguise is removed and we see him, the real, painfully guilty and painfully remorseful, well-lit version of him.

Well lit.. yeah... it was a pretty well-lit video for just anyone, even with a DSLR and a plan.

Do you know where I found this video? Upworthy. UPWORTHY?
Why is a person confessing to killing another person and running away to "high priced lawyers" in a professional-grade video that was released, not to the family of the victim, but to YouTube. After he messaged an anti-drinking and driving campaign page via Facebook to let them know of his plan.

I just don't understand the scenario here. At what point after he left his high-priced lawyers in a haze of crippling guilt, did he decide to make such a high-end video? Is he a film student who just happens to be a talented film maker with an alcohol addiction who hit someone with his car a few years back? Is he a rich kid who told his parents he wanted to confess, so they hired a film crew to help him do it? Or... is he part of a bigger plan?

With the rate that people with viral videos get on Ellen these days, you'd think maybe putting a good spin on it and calling it a "huge accident as a result of my alcohol problem, PS don't drink and drive or this could be youuuuuuu" YouTube Video and sending it to a site that belongs to people who are People Against Intoxicating and Driving (ha!), wouldn't go viral? Doubtful.

Of course it would, because nothing gets people clicking "Tweet" and "Share" faster than a good old underdog story. (Remember KONY?) But then wouldn't he go to jail? Umm... I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist (no really, I do), but... George Zimmerman anyone? Virality and Moral Values play a huge role in convictions these days and nothing sways a vote, whether judiciary or "of the people" faster than a whole bunch of media exposure.

I didn't mean to get so... political... but seriously? Is this what life has come to, that lawyers could potentially be determining the value of a "let's go viral!" opposition? We've seen the way a major celebrity breakdown can somehow go "so big" it changes the public perception of them and allows them to re-create themselves in a new light... now we're going to see it happen with court cases and the like. We know how OJ Simpson verdict would've turned out without that media exposure...  (yeah, I went old school)... is it going to be the same for social media now, too?

Look at how it's been posted, even. The way it was from social media site to social media site. The way that the "page" that posted  the blog for the young man has outlined everything so clearly. How they've put a nice big "CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT ON YOUTUBE DIRECTLY" button. How they've shared even more viral information in updates further on down. This is literally tracking his way through the confession, the arrest... everything. It seems to clear to me... but you have to wonder "am I being too overblown about this?" I really don't think this time I am. I truly think this is essentially a "PR stunt" for lack of better terminology. Whether it's he, a bright young man with a nice camera and a good plan, or a team of lawyers and social media specialists is yet to be determined, I think.

I know I'm going to stop for a second and examine the motivation behind viral videos a little more closely now, and probably talk to my kids about how social media can be used as a tool to alter perception, both in their own lives and in the news. Wow.


I want to know what you think! Comment below.
Is this man a hero for coming forward? 
What's the worst thing you've ever confessed to doing? Would you confess to something you'd certainly go to jail for if you thought you'd get away with it? 
What if you knew you couldn't and it was only a matter of time and you had to build a defence? 

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