Thursday, November 15, 2012

Facebook: Groups vs. Pages vs. Accounts

Everyone (okay, okay... Almost everyone....) uses Facebook! Over 850 MILLION accounts are used monthly and we do it for everything... did you know that these days many people will put their search terms into FACEBOOK search before even heading over to Google?

So there's no question that we all use it but that doesn't mean we all know HOW.

In so many instances I've been hired on to manage a Brand's facebook content and realized that they've been operating their brand visibility through a Facebook ACCOUNT!

That's basically like going to the bank to rent your movies! Okay, maybe not that bad, but I mean, c'mon!

So, let me explain the difference, the very BASIC difference between a Facebook Account, Page and Group.

1. Facebook Account
This is owned by a user. This account has a profile page, can write notes, can see people's feeds that they are friends with and can engage on basically every level. You can like pages, connect with your mobile devices and even connect it with other social media streams (twitter, foursquare, instagram etc.)

These accounts can have very low to very high privacy settings to help determine how much or how little access you want the outside world to have.

What is this meant for? This is your online existence, your profile..  this is meant for People.

2. Facebook Page
A Facebook page is created by a user, usually to represent a brand, person or community of some kind. People access this page by "liking" it and for most intents and purposes you would want it to be open and available to anyone who uses Facebook.

Just like on your Account Profile, you have a profile page that anybody can see. It has your "about" information as well as a timeline where you can post Status Updates, Photos, Events and Milestones. The difference is that you can have more than one person "manage" or "create content" for this page and you don't "friend" people like with your account. In order to get someone to follow you page and it's engagements they must first "like" it.

Once again it can be cross-marketed with other forms of social media like Blogs, Twitter, Instagram and much more!

Pages can create events and promote other pages, as well as being sub-pages to other affiliated pages like organizations or communities.

What is this meant for?  A FB Page is meant for Sharing and Liking. It's meant to engage with fans and followers on a regular basis but is seperate from an account in the sense that it's more for the output of information than cross-information. This is ideal for Companies, Small Businesses, Artists, Brands, Figureheads, Musicians/Bands, Fictional Characters, Blogs and more! (Basically anything that isn't a [famous] human being.

3. Facebook Group
Just like any other group, a Facebook Group is a community. Within that community there are people (with Facebook Accounts) that can share information. Any managers of Facebook Pages can also share information to a group via the sharing button! -- The difference is like an account you can control overall visibility across the facebook platform, but like a Page, you can share and people can choose whether to or not to like it.

Groups can make events just like accounts and pages, however once again there are privacy options that let group administrators manage who can see/join/attend said events.

Groups are there to generally post about certain subjects related to the group activities or culture.

What is this meant for? A FB Group is there to allow people who are part of a community (whether public, closed or private) to communicate in one open forum. This would be ideal for members of a team, organizations, people looking to meet other like-minded people or businesses working in similar industries.

Got it? Good! 

I hope you enjoyed this brief introduction into the Rules of Facebook! Do you have a facebook account, page and/or group? Do you use them effectively?

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